How does it work?

Your reading was so accurate about work and Max did get the all clear from the vet. What would I do without you?

- Kate, Tonbridge, February 2019

What happens during a reading?

It’s all very simple, Once you have booked a day and time for your reading, simply tell any loved ones or family members  who have passed and ask them to show up on the day. During your reading  I’ll connect with them and start to pass on their messages . If you would like to know how I started out as a psychic medium and how I prepare for readings I recently did an interview with the online publication MysticMag here at
When loved ones pass into spirit they quite often hang around and watch over you, so the information you get from them is very accurate as they tell you about certain aspects of your daily lives or what’s going on currently with you.

A reading is a good way way of finding out who is guiding you in life, the one spirit who is there by your side every day. Spirit are also very good at telling you what’s coming up in your lives.

I’m also given lots of names and initials which can be hard to recall on the spur of the moment which is why it’s handy to have a recording of the session to listen to later. All readings are emailed to you.

How long will the session last?

The reading will last around an hour (unless you’ve booked a 30 minute reading) and you will get the opportunity to ask questions at the end, feel free to ask as we go along, but I will remind you to ask anything you like at the end.

Along with mediumship I will tune into you as a psychic and hi-light any issues I feel are going on with you or particularly people around you who may be a positive or negative influence in your life.

Like I mentioned on my introduction page I regularly get animals popping up in readings, our pets may have left us on the physical plane but they never wander off the spiritual path!