
Here’s what a few recent clients have had to say.....

Sed pede ullamcorper amet ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque, a phasellus sit pulvinar vel integer.

I had a phone reading with Graeme and I was anxious that it wouldn’t work over the phone. As soon as Graeme rang me he told me he had my husband with him, he told me his name gave me details of how he passed four months ago. Neil (my husband) was well and was with his parents and Lilly one of our Labrador’s. Details that I knew my husband was with us on the day. I also spoke to my mother through Graeme who I miss terribly. Graeme is the real deal and so kind I will definitely contact him again.

— Anne-Marie, Portsmouth, September 2023

I was in Hastings for the weekend with a friend and we thought we’d have a reading for a laugh. Graeme was incredible he knew about my life, my work problems and made contact with my father who died six years ago. My friend heard from her sister and was told lots of things that have since come true. Our fun day out was remarkable and Graeme is a very gifted and caring man.

- Shelley, London, July 2023

Hi Graeme I’ve been listening to the recording of my reading and I’d completely forgotten what you said about my work. I did get a new job at the same company I’m still in the council which I love. You also mentioned that I’d be joining a new club ? Well I was invited to become a Freemason in march just like you said. Thanks for being spot on I’ll see you again in a few months.

— Paul, Battle, April 2023

I was really nervous about meeting Graeme as I hadn’t visited a medium before but my mum died two months ago and I missed her desperately. I didn’t tell Graeme why I was having a reading and the first thing he said to me was I have your mum here and she is saying happy birthday, you both share the same birthday. Which was true, he then told me of mum’s passing and she knew I was with her at the end. Mum had been in a coma and it was enormously comforting to know she was aware I was there. We spoke through Graeme for an hour and it was magical. Graeme was very respectful and compassionate and made it a wonderful experience that I’ll never forget.

- Holly, London, March 2023

Graeme is incredible. He spoke to my mum, dad and my brother giving me proof after proof of how they passed how they looked, even what they were wearing when they were buried! He knew facts about me that were known only by me and even knew I was on a phone call with a difficult builder that morning. Graeme named a builder I’d been thinking of using and so I switched and the problem was resolved. I refer back to the recording of my reading and I have at least six months of guidance with lots of it coming true. I think everyone should see Graeme he’s so easy to be with and has an amazing gift

— Fran, Lincoln, October 2022

Thanks Graeme for another incredible reading. My life has been in crisis for the last six months and you made so much sense of it. Your vision and guidance from my mum has really lifted me. I came to you in a mess and left really uplifted with a clear path to follow. Thanks you have an incredible gift.

- Ollie, London, June 2022

This is the man in the know. I don’t know how he does it but he makes it seem easy. Graeme knows the little stuff the big stuff and stuff in between. He blew me away when he came up with my Dad’s apology and my brother’s suicide.
Graeme deserves all the star ratings because he is a star who is genuine, kind, caring and 100% spot on. Money well spent. Thoroughly enjoyed my reading and wouldn’t hesitate in shouting Graeme Hill at anyone who passes me.

Graeme you’re brilliant thank you so much x

— Amanda, Scotland, December 2021

Wow I was blown away by Graeme’s accuracy. He gave me messages galore from three significant loved ones who are now in spirit. The reading from start to finish flowed with proof after proof of evidence that left me feeling uplifted and on top of the world. I would have no hesitations in recommending Graeme as he is sure not to disappoint. Awesome from start to finish.

- Caroline, Hastings , December 2021

Thanks Graeme for an amazing reading, it was my first time and didn’t know what to expect. The fact my dad came through still wearing his uniform blew me away and the proof you gave me made me absolutely convinced it was him. As you know he died twelve years ago on the day of our reading so it was so special hearing from him. The fact that he’s with me everyday is comforting. He told us so much about my life, my business my children it was astounding. Thanks again for everything my sister is going to be in touch as she can’t wait to see you now.

Chloe, Broadstairs, October 2021

Graeme, Just a short text to thank you for seeing me last weekend. As you saw I’ve been really struggling since Sarah passed away and to come to you and hear from her again is a blessing. I knew it was her straight away because she never forgot my birthday. I’ll give the cd a few more listens and I’ll be back for more in about six months. Thanks a lot mate.

David, Camber, April 2021

Hi Graeme, Just wanted to thank you for seeing me at such short notice. I was such a mess when I came over and you were so kind x I couldn’t believe that Mum came through to me just three weeks after she’d passed and was incredible to hear from Dad that they are together again. I’ve listened to the cd loads and it’s giving me loads of comfort at the moment. Thanks again for all you did and see you soon.

Lauris, Sevenoaks, April 2019

Hey Graeme, Thought I’d get in touch about my reading-I’ve been listening to the CD and the B you referred to a lot was my uncle Billy or William my Dads brother. He also drove a Kawasaki motorbike like you said, funny. I never met him but Mum was listening to the CD and got the shock of her life when you mentioned him!

Pete, Eastbourne, February 2019

So good to see you again for my annual ‘fix’ of Graeme. Your reading was so accurate about work already and Max did get the all clear from the vet. What would I do without you? See you soon!

Kate, Tonbridge, February 2019

I’ve been going to see Graeme for about ten years now and he really is the most incredible medium I’ve ever been to. He has genuine insight into my home life and has guided me through several work choices. I’ve lost both my parents during the past decade and they have both come through to speak to me through Graeme. He really is the real deal, genuine, honest and super gifted. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending him to you for a reading.

Pippa, Hastings, December 2019